It comes to end of year 2006, Wish you all Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Thanksgiving for year 2006 and All the best in the year 2007 !

…"the Xun Chi 138 is scarcely larger than an AA battery and it weighs just two ounces. Too small to even dial, it requires you to use a stylus on a touchscreen and plug in a headset to talk and listen"
It was on 31st August 1957 when history was made as the Union Jack was lowered and the Malaysian flag hoisted, with the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj leading the people in the famous shouts of Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! (Independence!)
For more than 30 years, Merdeka Day celebrations have been marked by parades involving uniformed personnel, corporate players, school children, cultural dancers, athletes and Malaysians from all walks of life. However, in recent years, the event has grown into a much anticipated and exciting month-long celebration nationwide.
This forthcoming Golden Jubilee celebration marks a significant milestone in the history of the nation. Join the enthusiastic crowd at the Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on the eve of Merdeka Day for the countdown to this momentous event. Another highlight of the year will be the Citrawarna or Colours and Flavours of Malaysia parade, an annual event showcasing the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the country. This will be the grandest celebration for this event yet.
Malaysia invites all visitors to share in the joy and excitement of this momentous occasion. Come and be mesmerised by a unique multicultural populace celebrating 50 years of nationhood in harmony and peaceful co-existance. You will truly be fascinated.
搜索:“易筋經 吸星大法”
結果:已搜索有關易筋經 吸星大法的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有726項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.13秒。
搜索:“易筋經 -吸星大法”
結果:已搜索有關易筋經 -吸星大法的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有5,440項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.13秒。
注意:這裡的“+”和“-”號,是英文字符,而不是中文字符的“+”和“-”。此外,操作符與作用的關鍵字之間,不能有空格。比如“易筋經 - 吸星大法”,搜索引擎將視為邏輯“與”操作,中間的“-”被忽略。
搜索:“britney OR beatles”
結果:已搜索有關britney OR beatles的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有14,600項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.08秒。
搜索:“布蘭妮 OR 披頭士”
結果:找不到和您的查詢-布蘭妮 OR 披頭士-相符的網頁。
1,如果你知道八部中的某一部,比如阿修羅,增加“阿修羅”關鍵字,搜索結果就隻有995項,可以直接找到全部八部,“天龍八部 阿修羅”。
2,如果你不知道八部中的任何一部,但知道這與佛教相關,可以排除與金庸小說相關的記錄,查詢結果為1,010項,可以迅速找到需要的資料,“天龍八部 佛教 -金庸”。
示例:搜索包含“long, long ago”字串的頁面。
搜索:“"long, long ago"”
結果:已向英特網搜索"long, long ago". 共約有28,300項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.28秒。
注意:和搜索英文關鍵字串不同的是,GOOGLE對中文字串的處理並不十分完善。比如,搜索“"啊,我的太陽"”,我們希望結果中含有這個句子,事 實並非如此。查詢的很多結果,“啊”、“我的”、“太陽”等詞語是完全分開的,但又不是“啊 我的 太陽”這樣的與查詢。顯然,GOOGLE對中文的支持尚有欠缺之處。
示例:搜索包含“Who am I ?”的網頁。如果用“"who am i ?"”,“Who”、“I”、“?”會被省略掉,搜索將隻用“am”作關鍵字,所以應該用強制搜索。
搜索:“"+who +am +i"”
結果:已向英特網搜索"+who +am +i". 共約有362,000項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.30秒。
搜索:“金庸 site:edu.cn”
結果:已搜索有關金庸 site:edu.cn的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有2,680項查詢結果,這是第1-10項 。搜索用時0.31秒。
搜索:“金庸 古龍 site:sina.com.cn”
結果:已在sina.com.cn搜索有關金庸 古龍的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有869項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.34秒。
注意:site後的冒號為英文字符,而且,冒號後不能有空格,否則,“site:”將被作為一個搜索的關鍵字。此外,網站域名不能有“http”以 及“www”前綴,也不能有任何“/”的目錄尾碼;網站頻道則隻局限於“頻道名.域名”方式,而不能是“域名/頻道名”方式。諸如“金庸 site:edu.sina.com.cn/1/”的語法是錯誤的。
inurl語法返回的網頁鏈結中包含第一個關鍵字,後面的關鍵字則齣現在鏈結中或者網頁文檔中。有很多網站把某一類具有相同屬性的資源名稱顯示在目 錄名稱或者網頁名稱中,比如“MP3”、“GALLARY”等,於是,就可以用INURL語法找到這些相關資源鏈結,然後,用第二個關鍵詞確定是否有某項 具體資料。INURL語法和基本搜索語法的最大區別在於,前者通常能提供非常精確的專題資料。
搜索:“inurl:midi 滄海一聲笑”
結果:已搜索有關inurl:midi 滄海一聲笑的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有14項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.01秒。
搜索:“inurl:security windows2000 site:microsoft.com”
結果:已在microsoft.com內搜索有關 inurl:security windows2000的網頁。共約有198項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.37秒。
語法:“allinurl:"cgi-bin" phf +com”
搜索:已向英特網搜索allinurl:"cgi-bin" phf +com. 共約有40項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.06秒。
allintitle和intitle的用法類似於上面的allinurl和inurl,隻是後者對URL進行查詢,而前者對網頁的標題欄進行查 詢。網頁標題,就是HTML標記語言title中之間的部分。網頁設計的一個原則就是要把主頁的關鍵內容用簡潔的語言表示在網頁標題中。因此,隻查詢標題 欄,通常也可以找到高相關率的專題頁面。
搜索:“intitle:藤原紀香 寫真”
結果:已搜索有關intitle:藤原紀香 寫真的中文(簡體)網頁。共約有284項查詢結果,這是第1-10項。搜索用時0.03秒。
The accident discovers a very interesting famous phrase in the website
“The product is the ship, the brand is the sail, the marketing is the wind”
You know what it means if you are interesting in making business
The word 'free' often equates to an inferior product but, in this case, there is no doubt that this is a professional product.Split into three sections and a Control Centre, AVG Anti-virus protects against viruses in a number of key areas. The Resident Shield works in the background and checks all files and file types (including floppy disk, CD content etc.) for viruses, whilst the Email Scanner works with Microsoft Exchange and Outlook.The Boot-up Scanner operates at start-up, and checks the most important areas of a PC before you begin to use it. Every aspect of AVG's virus protection can be configured using the Control Centre, which allows you to modify a number of program settings and to schedule scans, among other things.When installing there's an option to create a rescue disk for use should any of your key system files become infected. All crucial areas and files on a PC are backed up, and can be restored from this disk.Note: This download is only valid for private, non-commercial, single home computer use.Download Here
I’m publishing this post using Microsoft Office 2007. But still under testing and discovering.
But I found that I cant post a picture to my blog provider server (I’m using www.blogspot.com), anyone who know how to post a picture to the server? Perhaps it required a location to post to! Help please ^.^
Sony has increased their flash drives to 8GB, doubling the maximum capicty of usb flash drives before. It is capable of holding over 2,000 MP3 songs or high definition images, or more than 20 hours of MPEG4 video footage. Also the pre-installed Virtual Expander2 compression software allows you to store up to 3 times more data. It also features a retractable usb connector. There is an LED screen that is built on the transparent slide button that shows you the ongoing read and writes operations. Available with Sony’s 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB flash drives will be the 8GB, which hit stores from November 2006.
Is the point of credit cards ruining people’s lives, or are people’s lifestyles ruining the point of credit cards. Most people say that credit cards are destructive pieces of plastic that can dig you deeper and deeper into a hole of never-ending debt. This is not always so - personally, credit cards gave me a wonderful credit score that allowed me purchase a house when I was 20 without a huge down payment. If used correctly, credit cards can be your best friend. They will help you save money, build credit, and give you perks if you use the card for legitimate purchases.
Credit cards wield a powerful affect on your credit score. They make up a huge portion of the over all score; therefore you should not mess up with credit cards. They can either make or break you. There are many credit cards out there that have all sorts of benefits and perks. To pick out the best credit card for you go to Creditcard.com and select what attributes you want in a credit card. If you want to use a credit card, but think you will abuse its power (buy now - pay later) think of it as a debit card for the first year. When you make a purchase pay it off immediately when you get back home. This system worked for me, and it made me realize that my credit purchases directly affect my checking account. When your checking account is depleted, don’t go off buying a ton of stuff. There are good purchases and stupid purchases. Be wise and stay safe.
10 bad habits that lead to debt disaster according to Bankrate (along with Jeremie’s input):
1. Misusing balance transfers. - Moving credit card balances over to prevent you from having to pay the balance in full is an awful idea. Pay it off when you get the bill.
2. Not checking credit reports. – Always check your credit reports yearly. They allow you to see it for free at Annual Credit Reports so check it out. If you find any mistakes - correct them ASAP.
3. Failing to alert creditors about a financial hardship. – Make sure you talk to someone if you have a life changing event that will prevent you from making payments such as: job loss, personal injury, death in the family, ect.
4. Thinking of “budget” as a dirty word. – Budgets work for some people, but I believe in the “pay yourself first” method, so budgets are not on the top of my priority list.
5. Using retail store credit cards to make use of discounts. – Using retail cards for discounts is sometimes a great thing on big purchases, but do not open a credit card at every retail store, and remember the extremely high interest rates on those cards.
6. Procrastinating on creating an emergency fund. – Always have a six to eight month emergency fund to protect yourself from job loss, or personal injury.
7. Paying bills in no particular order. Pay your important bills first. Mortgage, rent, and utility bills always come first. Credit comes second.
8. Charging purchases instead of paying in cash or with a debit card. – I believe in the total opposite. If you can afford it pay in credit, then pay off your balances. This builds your credit, and, depending on your card, can give you cash back.
9. Making credit card payments late. – This will not happen to you, because you’ve registered to pay your bills online, RIGHT? Late payments can ruin your credit, and you lose a ton of money in late fees.
10. Making the minimum payments only. – This will make you so poor. If you had a $5000.00 balance at 13.5%, it would take you 28 years paying the minimum payment. Pay your balances in full!
Mostly Cloudy | |
Heat Index: | |
Humidity: | 74% |
Dew Point: | |
Wind: | |
Pressure: | 29.83 in / 1010 hPa |
Visibility: | |
UV: | 0 out of 16 |
Clouds: | Few Scattered Clouds Mostly Cloudy (Above Ground Level) |
其次,从色彩和香型来看。市场上的避孕套色彩纷呈,有红、白、粉、紫、蓝等20多种。自上世纪90年代初起,厂家还推出了添加各种香料的安全套,常见的 有玫瑰香型、桂花香型等几种。应该说,彩色和香型主要是为了改善一些人对安全套的反感心理,同时也是为了增加吸引力。因为人们可根据对颜色的偏爱或当时的 心境,选择使用不同的安全套。
The Laplace transform of a function f(t), defined for all real numbers t ≥ 0, is the function F(s), defined by:
The lower limit of 0 − is short notation to mean and assures the inclusion of the entire Dirac delta function
at 0 if there is such an impulse in f(t) at 0.
The parameter s is in general complex:
This integral transform has a number of properties that make it useful for analysing linear dynamical systems. The most significant advantage is that differentiation and integration become multiplication and division, respectively, with s. (This is similar to the way that logarithms change an operation of multiplication of numbers to addition of their logarithms.) This changes integral equations and differential equations to polynomial equations, which are much easier to solve.
The Laplace transform is named in honor of Pierre-Simon Laplace, who used the transform in his work on probability theory. The Laplace transform was discovered originally by Leonhard Euler.
And some more this only the introduction.....bbbbbaaaaaadddddd...
So, if you are interesting or going for engineering course, better consider it carefully, else you will feel like me one day... Good day!!!