Monday, January 30, 2012



2013-2014 年是调整时期,产业大概会调整10-15%左右。这是最好的情况,包括马来西亚经济依然成长,外面的世界没有什么灾难。但是,我认为外面的世界没有什么灾 难是不可能的。以下有3件事将有可能发生。任何一件事发生都会让房地产增加调整10%, 比如本来会10-15%,但是A事件发生,所以调整变20-25%,以此类推。





1。政府降息- 这会拖拉问题,引致2017年政府大选失败。所以,政府不会使用。拖拉问题会使经济内部产生非常大的破坏,引致之前的问题不能快速解决,这肯定会让政府输掉2017大选。
2。政府利率不变- 这会让事情正确进行,该爆的爆,没有事情的就没有事,一些人痛苦,一些人开心。短期内经济产生问题,财富出现转移,经济在低迷几年后开始恢复元气,向上。
3。政府升利率- 这会将问题严重化,金融市场短期内受伤严重,泡沫快速刺爆,严重可能引发骨牌效应拉倒其他行业。所以,如果不是没有选择,政府不可能会使用。





大 家都知道,银行的任务是雨天收伞,晴天开伞。那么,现在晴天,自然的所谓银行估值自然也是晴天的水平。如果雨天来到,银行还是会和晴天一样的估值吗?如果 雨天来到,估值比贷款少很多的时候,银行会如何?如果我们都能继续供屋子,但是如果我们名下有太多的贷款,银行会害怕吗?银行会如何处理?当然,我们名下 有那么多的屋子,自然的要做假income tax,来取得贷款(当然代价是给income tax),如果后年我不能再做假income tax(要给tax的),收入就必需报少,这时候我名下有那么多的屋子,30%是负资产,银行会如何?

银行是贪婪的,是风险管理的。如果我没有问题,银行希望可以借我无限量的钱。只要我可能有问题(income tax 评估,资产评估,借贷评估等等),银行是不是会放着不管?




那 么,我们预计如果马来西亚房地产泡沫爆炸会发生什么事情呢?首先,你不会看到什么,只会看到房子建好了,但是sales/rent布条一堆。这种情况持续 了一年后,那么房地产价格就会开始下降。接下来,报纸会开始报道地产价格开始下降的事情,结果就是地产价格继续下降而购买者选择观望。这时候,大家会发现 银行的房地产贷款越来越困难,而且估值非常低,还要求很大的头期钱才肯贷款。当然,间接的又再令到房地产价格下跌。




房 产的受害者,一些人跳楼,一些人意志消沉,一些人不甘愿再放大贷款投机,一些人转型找钱,一些人承受不了压力,开始疯言疯语。房地产问题,让一些人的日子 辛苦了一些年。虽然不是全部人受影响,但是大家都可以感觉到当时的情况和回忆,我们又老了一些,故事又多写了一些,人生还得继续进行。



What is a loan agreement?

A loan agreement is a ‘contract’ entered into between the borrower and the lender (banks and financial institutions) that regulates the terms of a loan. The loan agreement comes into picture immediately after the bank appraises your credit and the property that you have identified.

The agreement and the fine prints…

In the euphoria to acquire that dream house, various clauses in the loan agreement are often overlooked. However, these clauses have a significant bearing on areas ranging from interest rates to repayment schedules. Reading home loan agreements is generally viewed as a sheer formality and one always tends to ignore points that the agreement mentions. Moreover, the legal language used in the document often seems more alien than human!

In any case, not reading a loan agreement thoroughly can land you in a soup. Here are some clauses, which should be searched for inside a loan agreement and be clarified with your HFC (Housing Finance Company):

Reset Clause on Fixed Rates: Banks have introduced the reset clause in their fixed rate, home loan agreements so that they can increase interest rates in case the market rates increase in future. This effectively makes fixed rate loans equivalent to floating rate ones. This gives the banks an escape from interest rate surges but is a disadvantage for the borrower who is mostly unaware about such content in their agreement. Typically, the period for such reset clause varies from two to five years depending on the bank or housing finance company you borrow from. So read this clause in your loan agreement carefully.

Force Majeure Clause: There may be certain loopholes in your home loan agreement that allows the bank or home loan company to unfix and raise the fixed interest rate under exceptional circumstances. This will be mentioned under the ‘force majeure’ clause of your agreement. However, the differentiation between ‘exceptional circumstances’ and normal circumstances is always a tough task.

For e.g. A cut in banks’ prime lending rate is not automatically translating into reduction of all PLR-linked loan rates. The reason being cited is that the bank’s margins are under severe stress due to lending rate cuts. They feel interest rates on some existing sub-PLR loans do not even cover their cost of funds and any further fall in those sub-PLR loans will worsen the matter. Therefore, some public sector banks have revised the existing loan contracts in case of select sub-PLR borrowers, by using the ‘force majeure’ clause, meaning a ’situation beyond control’.

Defining a Fault: A ‘fault’ for a layman often means a non-payment of an EMI during the loan tenure. However, your bank or HFC may have a different meaning for this term. The home loan agreement of few banks defines fault as a case when the borrower expires, the borrower is divorced (in case of more than a single borrower), or the borrower is/are involved in any civil litigation or criminal offence. Therefore, you must be clear what your lender means by the term ‘fault’.

Security cover at times of falling property rates: This clause states that a bank is eligible to demand additional security when property prices fall. Even if you are loyal on your EMI payments, this clause demands a security cover in addition to your loan amount and if a borrower fails to provide such a security then he/ she may be declared a defaulter by the lender.

Floating is Fixed and vice versa: Floating rate as well as fixed rate home loans are linked to the Benchmark Prime Lending Rate of a bank or the HFC from which you take a home loan. Hence, if the BPLR is 13.5 per cent and floating rate home loans are at a discount of 1.5 per cent to the BPLR, then the interest rate on a floating rate home loan is 12 per cent. So whenever the BPLR is raised, then the interest to be paid on the floating rate home loan goes up. The vice versa also holds true.

However, banks and HFCs do not show the same alacrity to reduce the interest rates, which they might have shown when increasing it. When interest rates come down, banks and HFCs offer lower rates to new customers but existing customers continue paying the higher interest rates. Check with the bank or HFC regarding the details about such clauses.

These clauses are overlooked by most home loan borrowers and some of them eventually end up paying interest rates, fees, or hidden charges completely out of the blue. It is imperative that you have a thorough understanding of such clauses with your bank or HFC. ... 34HEu236254494.html